10 Doctor Who Moments That Made You Say 'WTF Were They Thinking?!'

3. The Cyber-Kini

Doctor Who Nightmare in Silver Matt Smith Eleventh Doctor Clara
BBC Studios

A quick detour over to Torchwood now for this utterly baffling design choice from Series 1 episode Cyberwoman.

Ianto reveals to the rest of the gang that he's been hiding his girlfriend, Lisa, after she was partially converted into a Cyberman during the Battle of Canary Wharf. A sweet story, until Lisa's Cyber implants become active and she starts murdering people.

To put it plainly, Lisa is essentially wearing a Cyber bikini alongside metal plates on her arms, legs, and head. She then has to roam around Torchwood base trying to look menacing while looking like a rejected background extra from a futuristic production of The Rocky Horror Picture Show.

What the hell were they thinking? Well, they were probably thinking "sex sells" and Torchwood was supposed to be "Doctor Who for grown-ups", but this was so obviously a bad decision that it's amazing it got this far.

Where's the horror of partial Cyber-conversion? Lisa doesn't look in any sort of pain or distress, which would've gone a long way towards making the character believable.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.