10 Doctor Who Mysteries You Didn't Know Were Answered

1. Why Does The Doctor HATE Pears?

Doctor Who Heaven Sent

"Never ever eat pears" was one of the pearls of wisdom the Twelfth Doctor imparted to his future incarnation before regenerating.

But why did he feel this was so important to pass on? Why doesn't the Doctor like pears? Is it the fact that you can spend so long waiting for them to ripen that you miss the one day that they're actually edible?

Well, the Doctor's dislike of pears spans multiple incarnations and mediums. In a throwaway line in Hell Bent, the Twelfth Doctor explains why he doesn't like them when he describes them as "too squishy", resulting in your chin always being wet.

This was a nod to Paul Cornell's novel Human Nature, in which the Seventh Doctor insisted that he not be allowed to eat pears while he was living as a human.

This detail was retained when Cornell adapted Human Nature for TV in 2007, where the Tenth Doctor told Martha via recorded message that he absolutely loathes pears.

Annoyingly, this dialogue was cut from the finished version, meaning that the scene where John Smith casually eats a pear while checking on the fob watch lost its comic impact.

Also... pears aren't that bad mate, come on.

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.