10 Doctor Who Revival Era Monsters And Villains That Deserve To Return

1. The Reapers

Doctor Who Jenny

The Reapers featured in one of the best, most emotive episodes of the first season, Father’s Day. The episode centered on companion Rose going back to see her deceased Farther, only to end up saving him from the car accident that killed him, creating a paradox.

This is when the reapers show up.

The Doctor describes them as trying to clean the wound in time that Rose created by saving her Dad, but we don’t really get much more information than that. They seem to have some kind of immense power though, as they somehow remove the Tardis’s interior, trapping the Doctor without the means to stop them.

Paradox’s in Doctor Who happen so frequently it is surprising that this is the only time that we’ve seen them. There must be a reason for this if we really think about it, but it would be interesting to see them return, and perhaps we can get more background information on them.

It would be very compelling to see a companion go rogue and try to change their personal history, perhaps in an even more selfish way that what Rose did, and Whittaker’s Doctor would be very interesting in this situation.

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I read, I write, I re-watch Doctor Who. Recent masters graduate trying to make his way in the world by writing about the things he likes. Impossibly naive, perhaps.