10 Doctor Who Revival Era Monsters And Villains That Deserve To Return

2. The Ood

Doctor Who Jenny
BBC Studios

The Ood became a recurring monster in the early seasons of Doctor Who, appearing first in The Impossible Planet/Satan pit storyline, and then the Planet of the Ood episode, where we saw their origin and liberation.

After this they aided the 10th Doctor in his final episodes, showing them having built a complex society.

However after this - aside from background appearances and a lone appearance in The Doctor’s Wife - we don’t see them again as a primary part. A return to the planet of the Ood would definitely be interesting to see, perhaps centuries after we’ve seen them, showing how they’ve developed independently.

The Ood being enslaved and then freed may also give some interesting places to move from. Perhaps with factions developing with the Ood about how to relate to humanity now, with some wanting to be more hostile than others given how they were treated in the past.

The Ood’s development from a bit part, to a larger part of the Who universe is what a lot of the items on this list could become, and the Ood themselves shouldn’t be left behind.

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I read, I write, I re-watch Doctor Who. Recent masters graduate trying to make his way in the world by writing about the things he likes. Impossibly naive, perhaps.