10 Doctor Who Secrets That Were Hiding In Plain Sight

5. The Eighth And Second Doctors Team Up (The Name Of The Doctor)

Doctor Who Cybermen Death In Heaven Cyber-Brig
BBC Studios

As well as revealing that the Great Intelligence was responsible for Dragonfire's bizarre cliffhanger, The Name of the Doctor also gives us an insight into a hitherto unseen multi-Doctor story.

When Clara is splintered across the Doctor's timestream, she meets many of his previous incarnations, including the Third and First Doctors.

She also bumps into the Second Doctor mid-adventure, and right at the start of this scene you may have also noticed a figure dart across the screen in front of her, for a mere handful of frames. Upon closer inspection, this is revealed to be the Eighth Doctor, whose blink-and-you'll-miss-it cameo indicates that he and the Second Doctor once went on some sort of joint mission together.

Were they hunting down a rogue Pting? Caught up in a Meddling Monk scheme? Who knows!

Doctor Who The Name of the Doctor Second Doctor
BBC Studios

Although a much bigger question than what brings the Second and Eighth Doctors together is the wardrobe choice.

Clara and the two Doctors are in a park lined with palm trees and a beach nearby – while it looks a little bit overcast, it surely can't be cold enough for the Second Doctor to don his fur coat! He must be roasting!

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.