10 Doctor Who Secrets That Were Hiding In Plain Sight

4. The Cyber-Brig Is A Cyber-Leader (Death In Heaven)

Doctor Who Cybermen Death In Heaven Cyber-Brig
BBC Studios

We can argue all night about whether the Cyber-Brig was a tribute or an insult to the memory of Nicholas Courtney. However, at least the Doctor Who production team had the good grace to reflect the Brigadier's seniority, even when Cyber-ised.

It's not immediately obvious, but the Cybermen in Dark Water/Death in Heaven also have Cyber-Leaders, which are usually designated by their black head handles.

Doctor Who Cybermen Cyber-Leader
BBC Studios

But unlike previous models, these Series 8 Cybers don't have fully-painted handles – instead, it's just the corners of the handles that are black.

Doctor Who Dark Water cliffhanger Cybermen
BBC Studios

It's subtle, but the black cornering is definitely there on a handful of Cybermen in Dark Water/Death in Heaven, and the Cyber-Brig is one of them. Clearly, Missy or the Cyber-technology itself identified the Brigadier as a born leader with substantial military experience.

Indeed, the Brigadier's mind is so strong that it's not just worthy of use as a Cyber-Leader – it also completely breaks its programming to save both Kate Stewart and the Twelfth Doctor.

While the concept of the Cyber-Brig is still pretty bleak, there's some small comfort in the fact that even after death, the Brigadier is still the boss, and still looking out for those closest to him.

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.