10 Doctor Who Secrets That Were Hiding In Plain Sight

3. London Credit Bank (The Runaway Bride)

Doctor Who Cybermen Death In Heaven Cyber-Brig
BBC Studios

When you want to buy a brand-new home entertainment system in the Doctor Who universe, your first port of call is Magpie Electricals. However, if you need some extra credit for the purchase, then a lesser-known fictional brand has you covered.

Just pop into your local branch of London Credit Bank!

Because London Credit Bank has never been involved in a nefarious alien plot like Magpie Electricals in The Idiot's Lantern (that we know of, at least – an evil banker wouldn't be a huge surprise, would it?), its branding is easier to miss. However, it consistently appears throughout the first RTD era.

It's first seen in The Runaway Bride, becoming the go-to financial institution in the Doctor Who universe. The Tenth Doctor uses the sonic on one of London Credit Bank's cashpoints to spew money out on Christmas Eve, as a distraction to escape the Robot Santas.

Doctor Who The End of Time Part One London Credit Bank
BBC Studios

A year later in Voyage of the Damned, the pre-paid credit card that Mr Copper eventually uses to establish his foundation comes courtesy of London Credit Bank.

The Doctor and Wilf also walk past a branch of London Credit Bank while entering the cafe in The End of Time, before Clyde Langer attempted to withdraw some money from one of its cashpoints – only to be stopped by the curse of Hetocumtek.

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.