10 Doctor Who Villains Who Should Return For Russell T Davies' New Series 14

8. The Vashta Nerada

Doctor Who The Headless Monks A Good Man Goes To War

Introduced in 2008, The Vashta Nerada were a formidable opponent for the Tenth Doctor. Creatures that can hide in shadows and devour the flesh from your bones almost instantly, it would be a thrill to see these creatures return.

The great aspect of the Vasta Nerada is that they can fit into almost any environment. Anywhere there is light there is shadow so we could see them anywhere Davies wants to put them. On a spaceship, in a forest or even in the arctic. There are so many ways that Davies could reinvent this enemy.

While the Vashta Nerada may not be the most villainous of enemies, they represent the more animalistic versions of The Doctors foes. They fight for their survival and their habitat, so taking them out of their element could make for a good story crux.

Out of all of Steven Moffat's creations, this may be his most underrated. A lot of focus goes onto the Tenth Doctor and River Song in the two-parter. But with Doctor Who focusing on areas like climate change and deforestation, now would be the perfect time to bring back this enemy.

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Horror fanatic, exhausted wrestling fan and die hard Brendan Fraser stan.