10 Doctor Who Villains Who Should Return For Russell T Davies' New Series 14

5. The Sea Devils

Doctor Who The Headless Monks A Good Man Goes To War

Ever since The Silurians made their return in Series 5, fans have been waiting for The Sea Devils to rise up as well. This villain hasn't been seen since the era of the Fifth Doctor and has so much potential in 2021.

Cousins of The Silurians, The Sea Devil's live below the surface of Earth's oceans and could offer an intriguing real-world story. These creatures must deal with the constant polluting of the sea's, Human's destroying their habitats and the killing of some of the ocean's creatures. This lays the groundwork for a unique, socially charged episode.

If anyone were to handle this subject correctly, it is Russell T Davies. He has proven that he can write politically charged TV with Queer As Folk and It's A Sin. Hopefully he won't be as heavy handed as some of the recent Doctor Who writers.

There's a lot of potential with a Sea Devil's return, maybe they could rekindle the Silurian and Sea Devil feud from Warriors Of The Deep. Whichever way Davies chooses to go, it will be a pleasure to see the Sea Devil's again.

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Horror fanatic, exhausted wrestling fan and die hard Brendan Fraser stan.