10 Doctor Who Villains Who Should Return For Russell T Davies' New Series 14

4. The Boneless

Doctor Who The Headless Monks A Good Man Goes To War

Debuting in Series 8, The Boneless are one of the most original monsters of New Who. Creatures that exist only in two dimensions, this horde of monsters are savage, deadly and beautiful. Seriously, these are some of the most aesthetically pleasing villains that have graced our screens.

There's a lot of mileage with a villain like this. Firstly, their home world has yet to be explored. How the show would pull off travelling to a 2D world is a big question, but if anyone can pull it off, it's Davies.

Secondly, we haven't seen them at their full power just yet. In the episode Flatline, The Boneless don't get to reach full strength. It would be awesome to see them as sentient, talking beings rather than just lifeless zombies.

In terms of revisiting old villains, the best aspect of The Boneless is their potential. With so much left unexplored, why not bring them back for a new series? They would be a great threat for Series 14.

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Horror fanatic, exhausted wrestling fan and die hard Brendan Fraser stan.