10 Doctor Who Villains With Terrifying Abilities

1. Generate Your Worst Fears (The Prison Ship)

the whisper man doctor who
BBC Studios

While the Minotaur is usually billed as the villain of Series 6 episode The God Complex, the end of the story reveals that it's actually a victim, trapped within the confines of a prison ship from which it cannot escape.

For this reason, you could argue that the ship itself is the villain here, a stance that is further supported when you consider the unique abilities of this particular vessel.

This prison ship - which, thanks to a glitch, is stuck in the shape of a 1980s Earth hotel - roams the stars and captures people at random, trapping them within its labyrinthine web of corridors. Obviously, that situation sucks all by itself, but it gets even worse for these poor souls: because, if they decide to open the doors of the hotel rooms, they will find their very worst fears held within.

The ship is designed to scare the living daylights out of people, which is why we had to give it the number one spot. After all, it doesn't get much more terrifying than the thing that creeps you out the most.

Ask yourself this: what would be in your room? An enormous, hairy spider? A murderous clown? A dizzying height? A slimy snake? Chris Chibnall?

Only kidding.

Jokes aside, answering that question will help you grasp the terror at the heart of The God Complex, and understand why the prison ship claimed so many lives.

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