10 Doctor Who Villains With Terrifying Abilities

7. Reach Through Your Body And Grab Your Heart (The Whisper Men)

the whisper man doctor who

When we saw the first images of the Whisper Men back in 2013, many fans had them pegged as the next great Doctor Who villain. After all, writer Steven Moffat had already created the Empty Child, the Clockwork Droids, the Vashta Nerada, the Weeping Angels, and the Silence - so his track record spoke for itself.

Frustratingly though, the Whisper Men were criminally under-utilized in their debut appearance, The Name Of The Doctor, where they served as mindless henchmen to the Great Intelligence. And even more frustratingly... they haven't been seen since.

It's a right old shame that we never got to see more of these mysterious creatures, because their potential was never fully realised. Their pale, featureless faces, top hats, and dark coats made for a truly striking design, and they also had some pretty strong abilities to back up their intimidating looks.

The Whisper Men are capable of passing through the flesh of their victims, which might not sound too useful on paper, but in practice, it's devastating. In The Name Of The Doctor, we see them use this ability when they attack the Doctor's friends by reaching inside their bodies, and directly grabbing their hearts.

They then attempt to stop those hearts, presumably by giving them a jolly good squeeze. Definitely not a nice move to be on the receiving end of - especially when you can't even stop the perpetrator from doing it.

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