10 Doctor Who Villains With Terrifying Abilities
4. Drill Into Your Head And Dissolve Your Brain (The Dream Crabs)

For a colder, much more hardened take on the Doctor than his predecessor, Matt Smith, Peter Capaldi's first festive outing was appropriately dark.
Last Christmas saw the Twelfth Doctor and Clara playing a game of cat-and-mouse with the concept of reality itself, all thanks to the abilities of the episode's main villain: disturbing, Facehugger-esque creatures known as dream crabs.
These monsters are pulled right from the depths of hell, with their slimy, veiny skin, and long claws that wrap around their victims' faces. And while the concept of an alien creature affixing itself to your head is an utterly horrifying one all by itself, it's what comes next that earns the dream crabs their spot on the list.
After selecting an unlucky soul to face-hug, the dream crabs, as the name implies, place them into a comfortable dream state. Then, while their victim is unconscious, the dream crab will drill a hole in their skull, push inside, and slowly dissolve their brain, ready for consumption.
Basically, they turn your mind into milkshake. Tasty.