10 Dragon Ball Characters You Totally Forgot Existed

7. Bio Broly

yajirobe dragon ball

Bio Broly is uh ... well he's a special entry on this list.

This is a situation where perhaps every fan who does remember this wishes that they could forget, and the ones who don't remember such a mad fever dream might indeed be better off.

An hilariously failed clone of the legendary Super Saiyan, Bio Broly is the visual representation of what happens when creative people run out of ideas. A mindless and out of control blob monster that has next to no real connection to Broly, apart from very corrupted DNA, he is both impossible to forget and completely forgettable.

There is nothing remarkable about this character other than the fact that in any context he should not exist. It's understandable to forget that this was ever a thing, and yet it really shouldn't be forgotten because fans need to know the depths to which their favorite franchises can sink.

If a character like Bio Broly can happen once, he can happen again.

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Early Ray Mixon hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.