10 Dragon Ball Characters You Totally Forgot Existed

6. Android 8

yajirobe dragon ball

When Dragon Ball fans think of androids they think of Seventeen and Eighteen first then maybe Sixteen, Ninteen, Twenty and sometimes Thirteen but Android Eight is very often one who is forgotten amongst his siblings.

As a character, Android Eight, or "Eighter" as Goku calls him is a pretty important one during the Muscle Tower arc. Designed as a weapon at least in part by Doctor Gero, Eight has human emotions, empathy and a conscience which lead him to not only side with Goku against the Red Ribbon Army but to even teach the young Saiyan about the value of mercy.

Together, Goku and Eight defeat General White and tear muscle tower to the ground. But after this he settles in the village with Suno and her mother and doesn't make many more major appearances.

He comes back for the Baba Tournament and again during King Piccolo Saga but is pretty much just a side character at this point. He fights a mummy in the tournamentand later does his best to protect Suno as King Piccolo wreaks havoc. Unfortunately this plot does not tie into the main story and they never meet up with Goku or any of the other main characters.

Going forward, outside of a movie retelling of the Red Ribbon saga he is exclusively relegated to Cameos. Though plenty of other characters introduced for a single arc managed to come back in prominent ways, Android Eight never really does. So, when he does pop up the casual viewer may be confused as to who this Frankenstein looking freak is.

Why he doesn't come back amounts to him not being a martial artist. He doesn't train and he doesn't grow in strength. If anything he dislikes fighting and as threats continue to grow can't keep up.

Secondly, he is tied to Suno, who was introduced as a potential alternate love interest for Goku. When he wound up with Chi Chi there was no reason to revisit her which meant Eight would also be largely left behind.

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