10 Dumbest Decisions Made By Game Of Thrones Characters
7. Jaime's Rescue Attempt In Dorne

Jaime is often referred to as the dumbest Lannister, and although he doesn't make as many mistakes as that implies, this was particularly stupid. After Cersei charges him with the task of retrieving their daughter Myrcella from the Water Gardens of Dorne, Jaime enlists Bronn and travels south to do just that.
As far as a plan, it ends there. The duo coincidentally run into some Dornish soldiers and swiftly kill them and steal their armour before simply walking into the Water Gardens.
Walking around aimlessly, they managed to find Myrcella, then Jaime takes her by the arm and tells her that they need to go.
That's it.
One of the most famous men in the Seven Kingdoms crossed enemy territory and tried to kidnap a girl that was promised to the future ruler of the region, and he's surprised he got caught?
It's honestly a wonder he got as far as he did.