10 Dumbest Doctor Who Controversies

7. The Daleks In Colour

Doctor Who Jodie Whittaker
BBC Studios

When it was announced that 1963's The Daleks would be colourised and edited down to 75 minutes, Doctor Who fandom was characteristically calm, collected, and open-minded.

Of course it wasn't.

Benjamin Cook's frenetically-edited version of the debut Dalek serial was not without its problems. Firstly, we already kind of have a 75-minute, full-colour version of The Daleks, it's just that it stars Peter Cushing and Roy Castle instead of William Hartnell and William Russell.

It also had an over-reliance on flashbacks to things we'd just seen several minutes ago to smooth over difficult transitions. But ultimately, it's not replacing the original – if fans still want to watch the broadcast version of The Daleks, they can do so on physical media or iPlayer.

And yet, in some of the internet's darker corners, old-school fans began voicing concerns that these new whizz-bang colourised re-edits would eventually replace the real deal.

Quite how that would work is anyone's guess. But needless to say, if you see Russell T Davies marching up your driveway with a bin liner, it might be wise to hide your DVD of The Daleks.

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.