10 Dumbest Doctor Who Controversies

6. The Sonic Sunglasses

Doctor Who Jodie Whittaker
BBC Studios

With his electric guitar and adoption of the word "dude", the Twelfth Doctor's midlife crisis was a bit too much for some fans to bear.

However, the biggest concern was with his choice of eyewear: the sonic sunglasses. Predictably, fans freaked out about this "heretical" change to the Doctor's accessory of choice.

As one laid-back and easy-going fan put it on Twitter:

"The only thing Doctor Who fans hate more than Moffat is the new sonic sunglasses."

But let's look at the story reasons why the Doctor rejects the screwdriver. It's become intrinsically linked to his shame at abandoning Davros as a child in the middle of a warzone. This is at the start of a series that breaks down the Doctor and builds him back up again, so he has to earn the sonic screwdriver at the end of the final episode.

And did we really think that was going to be it for the sonic screwdriver? Classic example of fans jumping to wild, furious conclusions at the start of a series.

At least he wasn't still calling his new shades a sonic screwdriver, like the Fifteenth Doctor does with that weird magic remote control he waves about.

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.