9. Quentin Tarantino Elvis Impersonator, The Golden Girls

Quentin Tarantino may have been the coolest director of the 1990s, but just five years before Reservoir Dogs hit cinemas, he was playing an Elvis impersonator singing at a wedding. Worse still, it was on an episode of The Golden Girls. Not usually known for its bloody violence or snappy dialogue, it's perhaps the last place you'd expect to see Tarantino, and probably the last place he thought he'd find himself too. The things actors need to do to pay the bills. That said, he looks like he's having a great time with some overzealous finger clicking and pelvis shaking while the Elvis ensemble sings Hawaiian Wedding Song. Maybe he thought he'd be safely hidden in the back row, but the fact he looks the least like Elvis and is wearing what could easily be his own suit make him stick out like a sore thumb. At least he looked like he was enjoying himself.