10 Episodes That Prove 30 Rock Is The Greatest Sitcom Ever Made

6. Gavin Volure (Season 3, Episode 4)

You can't go wrong by getting the comedy genius of Steve Martin to guest star in your episode. Here, he plays reclusive and agoraphobic billionaire Gavin Volure, who finds Liz Lemon so attractive that he asks her to spend the weekend with him. To Liz, this is ideal, as his agoraphobia prevents sexual touching of any kind and as a result they'll just eat food and goof on TV shows. Unfortunately, it turns out that Gavin's a big old liar and he's actually under house arrest for fraud, arson, embezzlement and racketeering. It's brilliant acting all round €“ Martin does his usual schtick but it's actually pretty funny, and you do believe he is in love with Liz, breaking his house arrest and fleeing to Canada so he can be with her. There is some genuinely funny slapstick humour and satire going on, with Gavin standing in for all the Wall Street fraudsters like Bernie Madoff and Kenneth Lay. Also, only 30 Rock could have a deus ex machina involving a 10 foot drop and a Tracy Jordan sex doll, and that's why we love it. Joke Of The Episode:Gavin: "See Liz, I have this Paris Hilton DVD, only available in Canada!" Liz: "'Camp of Approval'? What does that even mean?"
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3rd Year Film and Television Production student at Edge Hill University. Writer of "Stockton's Last Stand" and screenwriter/director of "Hunted" and "Spyfail 2: The Search for Spyfail 1". I also do stand-up comedy sometimes... I'm told I'm marginally funny.