10 Episodes That Made You Quit Your Favourite TV Shows

2. She's Not There (4.1) - True Blood

True Blood Sookie She's Not There

Despite being what was arguably the show's best ever season overall, the third season of True Blood ended on a rather odd note: Sookie Stackhouse, the plucky protagonist played by actress Anna Paquin, discovered that she was - wait for it - a "faerie."

If that didn't felt like a weird and lame revelation in a show that had so far avoided such things for the length of its run, the worst was yet to come: season four marked the point at which True Blood begin its decline from one of the best shows on television to one of the outright worst. Nobody could have anticipated the awfulness of the fourth season.

In the season four opener, audiences were treated to a lengthy sequence that saw Sookie wandering around "Faerie Land," an ill-judged sequence of such high proportions that it felt like it had spoiled everything up to that point. Maybe you continued for an episode or two after that, but after the faerie revelation nothing about True Blood ever felt the same.


Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.