10 Even MORE Doctor Who Episodes You Didn't Know Were Connected

9. Tooth And Claw & The Bells Of Saint John

Doctor Who The Crimson Horror The Angels Take Manhattan

In The Bells of Saint John, the Eleventh Doctor rides an anti-grav motorbike up the Shard to save Clara Oswald from the nefarious plans of Kizlet and the Great Intelligence.

The Doctor is an old hand at this, because as he tells Kizlet via the Man with Chips, he actually rode this same motorbike in the 2074 Anti-Grav Olympics.

The Doctor also mentions that he came dead last – but which incarnation of the Doctor was it?

Well, in Tooth and Claw, the Tenth Doctor offers to take Rose to the first-ever anti-gravity Olympics. The Doctor and Rose never make it however, because they end up coming face-to-face with Queen Victoria and a werewolf – despite aiming for an Ian Dury and the Blockheads concert in 1979 Sheffield.

Doctor Who Tooth and Claw anti gravity Olympics
BBC Studios

So after being exiled by Queen Victoria, did the Doctor and Rose head to Sheffield and follow it up with a trip to the anti-grav Olympics, where the Doctor came dead-last in a bike race? It's certainly possible!

Let's not forget that the Tenth Doctor jumped in to deliver the torch to its final destination during the 2012 Olympics. So of course he'd volunteer to actually compete himself.

He may not have won, but he did get a sweet ride out of it.

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.