10 Even MORE Doctor Who Episodes You Didn't Know Were Connected

2. The End Of The World & The Giggle

Doctor Who The Crimson Horror The Angels Take Manhattan
BBC Studios

Cassandra's "iPod" sure does get around a bit!

This particular model of jukebox first appeared in modern Doctor Who's second-ever episode, The End of the World, where Cassandra's gift to the assembled guests on Platform One housed the works of some of humanity's greatest composers, like Soft Cell and Britney Spears.

Of course, Doctor Who has never met a prop it couldn't reuse, and it appears as though the production team has kept hold of Cassandra's jukebox for almost two decades now.

It was later glimpsed in the diner in Hell Bent, which was revealed to be Clara's TARDIS. And then, we can only assume that the Fifteenth Doctor took some style tips from Clara, because his TARDIS also features that very same jukebox.

Doctor Who The Giggle TARDIS jukebox
BBC Studios

Alternatively, maybe the Ninth Doctor and Rose just hoofed it into the TARDIS? We never saw what they did between viewing the wreckage of planet Earth and arriving back in the present day to go out for chips. Has the jukebox been kept in TARDIS storage for all these years, shaken loose by the Fifteenth Doctor's mallet?

There's loads of random clutter within the TARDIS, so you never know.

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.