10 Even MORE Doctor Who Episodes You Didn't Know Were Connected

1. Mindwarp & Dalek

Doctor Who The Crimson Horror The Angels Take Manhattan
BBC Studios

Some easter eggs are so random and unexpected that it's not entirely clear how they even came about.

That's the case with Mindwarp and Dalek, which are connected by the rather dubious honour of being the only Doctor Who stories to feature the Xenomorph from the Alien franchise.

In Mindwarp, the Sixth Doctor is forced to assist the scientist Crozier with his attempts to transfer the mind of Lord Kiv into another body. While exploring Crozier's laboratory, the Doctor finds a glass beaker that houses a Xenomorph in its infant "chestbuster" form.

The Doctor looks suitably disgusted by what he finds, presumably because he knows how the creature came into being!

Many years later, and much earlier in the life cycle of a Xenomorph, an alien egg is glimpsed in the extensive collection of Henry van Statten. This "Ovomorph", to give it its scientific name, can be seen right next to the TARDIS, though the Doctor doesn't pay it any attention.

Doctor Who Dalek Alien Ovomorph egg
BBC Studios

The Ovomorph is a pretty smart easter egg to include in Dalek. Along with the original Alien movie from 1979, this episode concerns a single, unstoppable enemy laying waste to everyone and everything in its path.

And not only that, but Alien director Ridley Scott used to work at the BBC, and was almost involved in the creation of the Daleks himself! Small universe, eh?

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.