10 Even MORE Times Doctor Who Appeared In Other TV Shows

2. Bluey

Young Sheldon TARDIS
ABC Kids

Beloved by children, parents, and childless weirdos the world over, Australian animated series Bluey is nothing short of a sensation. 

The adventures of the titular dog and her family are wildly popular the world over and has won awards and adulations from millions of fans. A popular character on the show is Bandit, Bluey’s father, and in one episode from Season 3, he pretends to be a realtor in an attempt to sell their house. 

Just a casual bit of fraud on a kids show - you love to see it. 

Anyway, one prospective buyer notes that the house looks a little on the small side, to which Bandit replies “It’s bigger inside.” Now where have we heard that before… 

You may dismiss this as just a coincidence, but the whole “bigger on the inside” schtick is so synonymous with Doctor Who now that this can’t have been an accident. Still not convinced? Then talk to the official Bluey Twitter account, who tagged the show in a clip on the site.

The Doctor Who account retweeted the post by the way, in case you thought there was some beef between them.

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Doctor Who
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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.