10 Even MORE Times Doctor Who Appeared In Other TV Shows

1. Good Omens

Young Sheldon TARDIS
Amazon Studios

Amazon's Good Omens adaptation has one gigantic Doctor Who reference in every single episode: one of the main characters is played by David Tennant.

The Tenth and Fourteenth Doctor actor plays Crowley, a demon who must work alongside the angel Aziraphale in order to prevent the destruction of the Earth via the Antichrist.

In the show’s first season, Crowley and Aziraphale are threatened with a fate worse than death by the respective forces of Heaven and Hell. The cowardly imp tries to avoid this problem by moving to a different planet, even going as far as to print out factsheets for his potential new homes.

While going through his choices, one sheet is shown to the camera, depicting a large planet with a reddish-orange hue to it. This is Gallifrey, the Doctor's homeworld, as seen (and destroyed) in Doctor Who many times over the years.

Wait a second... is this how the Doctor settled there in the first place? Is Crowley actually the original form of the Timeless Child? Is the Doctor actually a demon from hell?!

Stranger things have happened.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.