10 Exact Moments Fans Turned On Their Favourite TV Characters

6. Nancy Stops Listening To Johnathan - Stranger Things

Leonard Penny Big Bang Theory

Whether they were Team Jonathan or Team Steve in the opening season of Stranger Things, audiences couldn't deny Nancy made her feelings pretty clear throughout the course of the series. The two would-be lovebirds would eventually find their way together after an infuriating amount of denial between them, and things were looking pretty rosey for the pair for some time.

Nancy was always a kind and caring individual that audiences could get behind, however it was her smart and measured approach to the dire situations around her that really made her someone people could look up to.

That all changed at the beginning of season three however when Nancy, eager to prove herself to her sexist bosses at the Hawkins Post, began chasing down a lead involving some 'diseased rats'. For the next couple episodes, Nancy would become so fixated and so belligerent about this one story that it not only nearly cost her own job, but nearly pulled down Jonathan's own position too, with his life at the Post becoming much harder as well.

It might have (eventually) proven to be a good thing to follow, but the relationship between Jonathan and Nancy never really recovered with the fans to the point it had been at before following Nancy's stubborness dragging her partner's life through the dirt for a bit.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.