10 Exact Moments Fans Turned On Their Favourite TV Characters

4. Owen Cheats On Christina - Grey's Anatomy

Leonard Penny Big Bang Theory

Owen Hunt first entered Grey's Anatomy back in the opener of season five, and became a regular character around halfway through the series. He began life on the wards as a confident and self-assured individual, and would eventually get with another fan favourite character, Cristina.

At first this relationship seemed like a match genuinely made in heaven, with Owen's maturity allowing Cristina to pursue her own goals and stand on her own feet, whilst providing a solid foundation for her to fall back on.

This would all come crashing around her, however, in two tragic events courtesy of Owen, with Kevin McKidd's character first taking the time to humiliate Cristina for having an abortion in front of all their friends and colleagues. He then went out of his way to cheat on her in one of the show's most talked about storylines.

From these moments onwards, fans had Owen's number clocked. He went from cool and collected to self-centred and unlikeable with his actions, and his almost villainous tag going forward would eventually lead to him getting a taste of karma when his next partner began cheating on him too.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.