10 Exact Moments Fans Turned On Their Favourite TV Characters

2. We Were On A Break - Friends

Leonard Penny Big Bang Theory

Since Friends ended back in 2004, it's become clear that not only was Ross not the main hero everyone thought they should have been rooting for, but he was actually the worst character in the entire show.

Ross essentially acted as the show's main hero during the bulk of its run, with his long-running relationships with Rachel becoming one of the most famous love stories in all of television history. Right up until the fifteenth episode of series three fans were well on board with Ross' pining for Rachel, and when the two finally ended up in a relationship, it was a really powerful moment.

That all changed when Ross coined the line that would go down in Friends infamy: 'We were on a break.'

The line all came from Ross mistakenly thinking that Rachel was cheating on him, flying off the handle and accusing her of sleeping with her friend, Mark Robinson. Rachel was completely innocent, and instead turned the tables on Ross by complaining that he was always whining about not seeing her and causing too many arguments between them, something completely true.

That very night, Ross flew off the handle again after overhearing Mark on the end of the phone when speaking to Rachel and went out of his way to trigger an affair with a woman named Chloe. In one episode, Ross had gone from loveable hero to spiteful adulterer.

It was clear to fans from that point that the relationship with Rachel had brought out something truly toxic in Ross, and would become a trait they would be much more aware of going forward.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.