10 Exact TV Moments That Made Fans Rage Quit

1. The Evil Jockeys - The Simpsons

The Walking Dead Negan

It’s hard to scientifically pinpoint the exact moment The Simpsons turned to crap. It was a gradual decline, and fans will argue season thirteen was the turning point, while others say it was much earlier. The Principal And The Pauper is cited as a warning sign, and while rewriting Principal Skinner’s past was a dumb move at best, at least the episode had decent gags.

One key episode where the show completed the switch from fitfully funny, to outright appalling, would be Saddlesore Galactica from season eleven. In this episode, the Simpsons get a race house, come up against some evil jockeys – who are really elf’s in disguise – and Bill Clinton makes a cameo.

It's a bad episode before the elf reveal, but that twist is almost cosmic in its stupidity. It was the moment that crystallised the show’s declining quality for many fans, and it’s still considered one of the worst episodes.

Can you think of any other TV moments that caused fans to rage quit their favourite shows? Do you disagree with any of the picks on this list? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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