10 Exact TV Moments That Made Fans Rage Quit

2. Meet Lucille - The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead Negan

Season six of The Walking Dead spend almost the whole year building to Negan, with his name being mentioned constantly and other clues to his arrival. In fact, there were times the show felt ruthlessly padded waiting for him, and when he finally arrived in the last scene it was expected they’d at least pay off all that set-up.

Nope, they ended on a notorious cliffhanger and teased it out for another half year, and then dragged it out longer in the opening episode of the next season. When the deaths happen they're appropriately gross and awful, since we witness two well-liked characters getting their heads caved in.

This episode made viewers furious because of the execution – no pun intended – of this scene, plus the empty, manipulative storytelling. It made fans feel hollow and sickened, which isn’t the reason most people chose to watch something.

The Walking Dead has lost six million viewers since this episode aired, and will likely lose more in the weeks ahead if the plodding new episodes are any indiction.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.