10 Failed Comic Book TV Projects That Would Be Awesome Now
7. Painkiller Jane (2007)

Invulnerability is one of those abilities that comic book writers throw out regularly, using it as an easy way to write their heroes out of situations that normal people would struggle to escape. However, heroes such as Superman and his ilk usually possess other powers to enhance their crime-fighting abilities. Painkiller Jane is far more unique than that, relying solely on her regenerative abilities to hunt down the bad guys. Jane's basically your every day cop, except she can take a shotgun blast to the face without batting an eyelid.
The Sci-Fi channel saw potential in this Event Comics series and decided to adapt Painkiller Jane into a TV series starring Kristanna Loken. Unfortunately though, the Sci-Fi channel isn't exactly well known for its quality programming. Painkiller Jane may be impervious to permanent harm, but she's certainly not safe from the barbs of TV critics who slammed the series from the outset.
Each week, the show would subject Painkiller Jane to a number of grotesque injuries which she could brush off with relative ease, but the format became dull and uninspired in its approach. A new version of Painkiller Jane could explore this fascinating aspect of her powers in a far more imaginative way, focusing more on the fact that she may be invulnerable, but can still feel the pain of every injury before she's healed. Exploring the psychological ramifications of this would elevate Painkiller Jane above the standard monster of the week format that dragged the first version down.