10 Fascinating Facts About Seinfeld

5. Seinfeld Won The Emmy For Outstanding Comedy Series Only Once

Seinfeld Cast
Academy of Television Arts & Sciences

Considering the volume of praise that Seinfeld gets, it's surprising that it received TV comedy's top prize on just one occasion.

Poor Seinfeld was up against the Emmy-grabbing juggernauts of Murphy Brown, Cheers, and Frasier which had that category locked-up for almost the entirety of the 1990s. It took the undeniably classic fourth season, with such standout episodes as The Handicap Spot, The Bubble Boy, The Junior Mint, and The Contest, to land Seinfeld that big win in 1993.

We’ll never know how close the votes were or what was going through the voter’s minds (if anything) but what’s known is that the quality of a show isn't defined by the number of shiny trophies it wins. Just look at all the other great shows which never got Emmys e.g. The Wire, Star Trek, Community, Gilmore Girls, Laverne & Shirley, and so on.

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A tall Australian who is passionate about all things facts and pop culture.