3. Leonard Needs A Project
The title says it all here really. Leonard was always quite the adventurer and has been on many research expeditions but recently he seems to have been in a lull. He needs to have something to focus on. It would be nice to see him having to work with Lesley Winkle or even Barry Kripky (what happened to Kripky anyway? He was funny) and have some success that will eclipse Sheldon. The project could be what brings in the science cameo guest appearances and there are plenty of opportunities for locations, physical comedy, exploring the world of science papers being published and the cut-throat nature of science that bubbles under the surface. Giving him a project and some direction should be a good seam to mine for comedy gold. Whether he succeeds or fails is largely irrelevant, as long as he aims high. Turning back to the episode where the guys tried to focus on science for a while, Leonard was the most enthusiastic about getting something done. Can you imagine Sheldons reaction if Leonard made a Nobel Prize winning discovery in string theory just when he left the field?