10 Forgotten Doctor Who Stories That Are Just As Good As 'The Classics'

6. The Ambassadors of Death

06 Forgotten and buried in the middle of a season of classics, this tale deserves just as good of a reputation as the others. For a seven episode long story, this moves incredibly fast. Every question posed is answered quickly but two more questions are asked in the process. The only slow part of this story is the Liz being captured and escaping sub-plot, which does seem to be repeated a few times but it isn't anything that ruins the story. If nothing else, it's probably realistic because let's face it, escape attempts can't always be successful, right? This story also had the disadvantage of only existing in Black and White until recently. Thankfully it can now be enjoyed in full colour, as it was meant to be, on the recent DVD release.
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I'm a scriptwriting graduate and a keen writer. A huge Doctor Who fan, amongst other things. I'm a teacher, novelist and occasional DJ with many interests.