10 Forgotten Doctor Who Stories That Are Just As Good As 'The Classics'

5. Nightmare of Eden

05 A surprisingly adult story based around drugs. The drug in question is Vraxoin which, according to the Doctor, has been known to bring down entire planets. We see its effects on a few characters, most notably a ships captain who completely loses all sense of responsibility and endangers a large number of lives. For such a serious story there is a lot of silliness but that was just the direction that the series was heading at the time. There's nothing in here any sillier than in the much-loved City of Death but with it being a darker tale, Nightmare suffers from the clashes of tone. There's nothing that can stop you from enjoying the four fantastic episodes though.
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I'm a scriptwriting graduate and a keen writer. A huge Doctor Who fan, amongst other things. I'm a teacher, novelist and occasional DJ with many interests.