10 Frightfully Good Doctor Who Audios For Halloween

3. Ghosts

SUMMARY: The Doctor is called to the most haunted planet in the galaxy by River Song. Why? He doesn’t know, and neither it seems, does she. Confused, the pair begin to wander about the graves, hoping to see some of the famous ghosts. Instead, they end up seeing ghostly versions of themselves, that immediately disappear.

That’s the least of their worries though, as they learn that a strange mist has been possessing people, leaving only four tourists left on the entire planet. Can the Doctor and River figure out what’s going on before it’s too late? And are they really doomed to die there?

WHY LISTEN? David Tennant’s Doctor is on form here, and there’s plenty of witty dialogue between him and River Song. There’s even a Ghostbusters joke! The setting is suitably spooky whilst also incorporating tech and space elements. Be warned though, if you’re a big fan of the Doctor and River, the ending is rather emotional and bittersweet.

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A freelance writer and Doctor Who fan.