10 Funniest Halloween TV Episodes

2. Community - Epidemiology

The Simpsons The Shinning
Sony Pictures Television

Community did a lot of high concept episodes, and they often went big for Halloween, so it should be no surprise that they did a brilliant high concept Halloween episode.

The episode revolves around Dean Pelton buying cheap meat for the catering, which turns out to contain a biohazard, turning everyone who ate it into a zombie like character. Though the plot seems quite basic, as always with Community, it's the way it layers in the cast's personalities which make this one special.

Most notable is Britta and Rich lying about being infected, (wrongly) thinking they're special and immune. There's also Troy and Abed's Ripley and Alien costume, with Troy at first ditching Abed to be cool then reuniting. Each character's costume is well chosen, funny, and fits in with their study group persona to a tee.

The ending, where the army puts the characters to sleep and they wake up with no memory, is admittedly a little cheap. However, this lets them run wild knowing they have a full reset, and sets up that Chang might have gotten Shirley pregnant for a future episode, so it gets a bit of a pass.

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The Simpsons
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