10 Funniest Star Trek Episodes

5. Blast From The Past - Trials And Tribblations

Star Trek Picard

There's a reason this episode keeps popping up under different categories and that is that it really is that good. There's nothing serious about the episode and yet its a touching tribute. It's got no plot and yet it fits in perfectly with the story of the original. It features the old crew interacting with the new crew in a way that's almost seamless. O'Brien gets asked who threw the first punch by Kirk himself.

The comedy in this episode comes from the usual - the regular cast having fun. At this stage, it's starting to look as though having fun is the norm for the Deep Space Nine crew. By their own accounts, while each of the cast were very close, the working atmosphere on set was serious for business hours. It was a very different dynamic to the clowning around that often took place on the Next Generation sets.

There was a gravitas to Deep Space Nine that didn't always transfer over onto the other series. So, when the campy, period setting of the Original Series suddenly bursts onto the screen here, it shows the massive shift in tone between the two shows.

Kirk, Spock and McCoy were often to be found in ridiculous and over the top scenarios, while Sisko et al were more likely to be found fighting to the death with the enemy. Here, it is just fun to see them let loose, blend in and watch Star Trek like the rest of us.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick