10 Funniest Star Trek Episodes

4. The Name's Bashir - Our Man Bashir

Star Trek Picard

This list really could have been renamed as funniest episodes of DS9 but there are others, I promise!

Much like the Sherlock Holmes adventures on the holodeck that Data and Geordi engage in, Bashir and O'Brien became well known for their own adventures. However, they were very rarely seen! The two would generally either arrive or leave Quark's in full regalia, ready to take on the next challenge or relax from the last one. In Our Man Bashir, we get to see not just them in costume and character but half of the main players join them.

There are plenty of stand outs - Dax's Honey Bear falling for Bashir's charm or O'Brien's Falcon with his lovely eye patch. Garak's fish out of water (and in a Tuxedo) or Sisko's maniacal Hippocrates Noah. But Major Kira's Anastasia takes the biscuit, lounging in full Bond-girl regal greatness on that swirling bed, oozing sex appeal to her then-husband Alexander Siddig.

Getting to see the characters play against type here is a hoot and they all absolutely sell it. The B-plot of Rom and the others trying to rescue them just adds to the fun as the Defiant is slowly cannibalised to make space for their patterns to rematerialise. The lovely plot hole of the entire memory of the station's computer being dumped to store them is of course never touched on again and why would it be? This isn't reality - this is fantasy!


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick