10 Funniest Star Trek Episodes

3. Roswell - Little Green Men

Star Trek Picard
CBS Media Ventures

Quark, Rom and Nog crash in New Mexico, 1947. Now, what is important about that time and place?

The room's are sterile. The universal translator isn't working. Absolutely everybody is smoking. The guys all look on in confusion and horror at the situation around them, surrounded by the primative humans and their feeble attempts at understanding. Quark's attempt to get the translator working again results in an exchange of head slapping, with the humans copying everything they do. A smile grows on Quark's face - where there is stupidity, there is profit to be found.

They play into their roles, shattering the rules of time travel to pieces along the way. The other two are more cautious but still manage to enjoy themselves - Nog even gets himself a little Ooo-mox for his troubles.

But the stern bark of Odo brings them back to reality fairly quickly and the desperate escape unfolds. Seeing the Ferengi react and cringe in horror as they see the damage that the humans are causing to their own world reflects many historical views on the past - their escape is facilitated by one of the many Nuclear explosions they are so shocked to find being detonated on Earth.

There are plenty of gags in the episode, not least a reference to another time travel story from earlier in the show, but the episode just stands as a funny, feel good episode on its own merit - one that is sure to be enjoyed in any time period!


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick