10 Game Of Thrones Moments That Didn't Live Up To Expectations

7. Jon's True Heritage

Game of Thrones Cersei Jamie Lannister

21 years. That is how long fans had been speculating the true parentage of Jon Snow.

While many had come to the conclusion that R+L=J long before it was officially revealed, it came as more of a shock that this revelation meant very little to the overall plot.

A Song of Ice and Fire, the entire premise for the show was quite literally embodied by the character of Jon Snow. The reveal during the finale of season 7 had so many possibilities. Was Jon the Prince What Was Promised? What would this mean for him and Danaerys? Is Jon now the rightful king?

Despite the implications, very little actually became of Jon's newfound parentage. After Bran discovered the fact, the only real repercussions were Sansa giving Dany shady looks and a half-baked plot from Varys to sit Jon on the throne.

Jon himself was reduced to a puddle of repetitive dialogue of "I don't want it" and "she is my queen". Every possibility that stemmed from Jon's heritage was left on the cutting room floor.


Sugar, spice, and an over abundance of Star Wars references, these were the ingredients chosen to make this content creator.