10 Game Of Thrones Scene Stealers

1. Teela (Rosa Frazier)

A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms is a notable episode for several reasons. It’s the last episode of Season 8 before the maelstrom of discourse and debate that characterizes fan reactions to the rest of the season. It’s the last episode written by Bryan Cogman, a writer who probably understood the characters better than David Benioff and D.B. Weiss did. And it's the episode where Brienne of Tarth finally becomes a knight. It’s filled with many beautiful, melancholy, and bittersweet moments. This character’s appearance is one of those.

As Davos Seaworth (Liam Cunningham) gives out soup to the people of Winterfell, he meets Teela, who wants to fight instead of taking shelter in the crypts. Not only does her little voice belie her courage, she has greyscale in the same place as Davos’ beloved Princess Shireen. The look of heartbreak and regret that passes across a Davos’ face is one of the most moving moments in Cunningham’s series-spanning performance.

Unlike so many other characters, Davos just wants peace and quiet and above all, he loves children. His brief exchange with Teela is a sweet moment. Thank the gods that Teela lived through the events of the subsequent episode, “The Long Night”.


A podcaster and writer living in Massachusetts with his wife and son. You can follow him on Letterboxd at Daniel Marchant.