10 Game Of Thrones Scenes WAY More Brutal In The Books

7. Qyburn's Experimentation

The Red Wedding Game Of Thrones

Qyburn was one creepy dude. We were first introduced to him in season three as the only surviver of Harrenhal, after Gregor Clegane put the castle to the sword. He was portrayed as a fragile and mostly kind old man, who helped treat Jaime's stump. It wasn't long before we found out his true nature though.

He eventually rose to prominence in King's Landing, assisting Cersei with her scheming. All the while, he was shown conducting twisted experiments on the injured Mountain, eventually turning him into the zombified 'Robert Strong'.

All this happens in the books, but Qyburn doesn't merely perform his twisted work on the Mountain. Before he perfects whatever he intends to do, he asks Cersei for subjects to practise on. Cersei had previously asked her lady-in-waiting, Falyse Stokeworth, to carry out a plot to kill Bronn - who by this point had became a menace - the plan fails and Cersei is so angry she gives Stokeworth to Qyburn.

Lady Stokeworth is left so traumatised and damaged by what Qyburn subjects her to that she no longer is able to function.


Before engrossing myself in the written word, I spent several years in the TV and film industry. During this time I became proficient at picking things up, moving things and putting things down again.