10 Gaping Plot Holes In The Game Of Thrones Finale

6. Why Would They Choose Bran To Be Their King?

Game Of Thrones Jaime Cersei Deaths

Let’s momentarily touch upon the nonsensical nature of the assembled lords of Westeros deciding to allow Tyrion Lannister to select their new king.

Although they wouldn’t care in the slightest that he supposedly betrayed Daenerys, they will most definitely recall that this man had been convicted of murdering King Joffrey, escaped, murdered his own father, a peer of the realm, and had fled Westeros to return at the head of an invading army… and they hadn’t much liked him even before all that had happened.

Sansa aside, the idea that these men and women would take a single shred of notice of anything he would say is laughable.

Now let’s look at Tyrion’s decision to present Bran Stark as the best possible choice for the new monarch. Tyrion claims to know all about Bran’s story, but he doesn’t know Bran himself: he met him once when Bran was a boy and again as an adult. He has no way of knowing whether this cold, spooky teenager with no experience of ruling whatsoever will make a good king. He doesn’t even know whether he’s a good man - or whether he’s really still human at all, come to that.

Sansa Stark, on the other hand, who he knows to be a good person, has been presented to him as a resourceful, intelligent and capable leader, and is present at this meeting representing all of the North of Westeros… which only makes Tyrion’s decision even more incomprehensible.


Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.