10 Greatest "I'm Dead And I Know It" Moments From Modern Doctor Who

1. The Doctor - The Parting Of The Ways

Doctor Who Face The Raven

Every Doctor's regeneration comes with a bucket load of emotion, but Christopher Eccleston's Ninth Doctor hits every right note in his farewell. After the Daleks have been stopped and Rose has been saved, he takes the Time Vortex into himself, before sending it back into the heart of the TARDIS. For a moment, things seem as though they've gone back to normal. Then there's a shimmer on his hand.

The Doctor knows that no living person should ever have the Time Vortex inside them. He saved Rose by taking it into himself, though he is doomed after this. He is as jovial as it's possible to be, explaining to Rose what's about to happen.

It was the first regeneration of the new era of Doctor Who, and it remains one of the most fantastic. He simply gets on with it, without too many big speeches. He knows that his time is up, but he spends his last words making sure that Rose isn't afraid. Eccleston's Doctor didn't get anywhere near enough time on the TARDIS (though fans wouldn't take back a moment of David Tennant!), but arguably, he got one of, if not the, best regenerations to date.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick