10 Greatest Jesse Moments In Breaking Bad

5. All of Peek-a-Boo

Out of all the members of the Heisenberg regime of meth dealing, Jesse always seems to be the one person who actually cares about human life. Although Walt claims to be doing everything for his family, his desire to actually become iconic outweighed his family matters a long time ago.

No, if you want the heart behind these demented drug lords, you just have to look at the way Jesse reacts in Peek-A-Boo.

Looking to seize money from a pair of junkies, Jesse arrives to their house with a gun, only to find a little kid in the house trying to escape his parents arguing. Rather than just be strictly business, Jesse plays with the kid, doing his best to make this little guy's sad reality just the tiniest bit happier if only for a few minutes.

Out of all the Jesse moments, this humanizes the character more than anything. After all of the pain he has gone through in his life, he still chooses to see the best in people and is willing to make sure that kids don't have to endure the same horrors he did.

Even when Jesse has to confront the kid's parents, he still has his little buddy's best interest at heart, making sure he isn't scared, taking him outside and telling him to keep warm until the police show up and hopefully send him to Child Protective Services. Though Jesse gets the mantle of Heisenberg's son far too often, you'd never find Walt with this much compassion.


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