10 Greatest Jesse Moments In Breaking Bad

4. Let's Do It Together - Rabid Dog

Out of all the mental games that are on the table in Breaking Bad, the one foul ball that you can do is be a narc. After all, we saw what happened when Gus Fring heard that Hector talked to the DEA, and that guy didn't even say a word to Hank Schrader. When you're desperate for a way out though, you sometimes need to go for the wild card move that no one saw coming.

Putting the pieces together about Walter swiping his cigarette of ricin, Jesse is about to burn down Walt's house before Hank shows up to confront him. Although these guys have not had the most pleasant history up until this point, this is one of the first times where Hank gets to see Jesse for who he really is. For all of the hard times that he's put him through, Jesse is just a sad casualty to come from Walt's indelible thirst for power, as he explains the heinous acts that Walt did to get where he is.

Since Hank is doing everything he can to make sure he nabs Walt, taking Jesse in is one of the most genius moves that he could have played, considering the strange affection that Walt still has for his adoptive son. Though the final season of Breaking Bad felt like a path of destruction all the way through, Jesse's decision to side with Hank was the one moment where it felt like everything might work out.


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