10 Greatest Prison Break Characters - Ranked

3. Michael Scofield 

Michael Scofield Prison Break Tattoo
20th Century Fox

Seasons: 1-5

The brilliant brains of the brotherly tandem. Always thinking, those brilliant blue eyes constantly scanning and analysing the environment around him. What an intricately clever man Michael Scofield is by committing a faux bank robbery in order to be sent to Fox River, where, lo and behold, is the same penitentiary in which his older brother, Lincoln, is being held for murder. How wonderfully dumb the authorities are.

Beleive it or not, Wentworth Miller's portrayal of the character was met with some negative criticism with some suggesting he played the part too coolly. Nonsense. Entertainment Weekly summed him up perfectly by stating he "has the silky voice of a sociopath, the resigned stance of a long-distance runner, and the deadpan delivery of Macualay Culkin at his Uncle Buck best."

Whilst we continued to enjoy and marvel at Michael for coming up with daring and ingenious plans to infiltrate The Company, breakout of Sona, outsmart his enemies, admired him for always being there to help out his friends in tricky situations, and hoped that he and Sara would, one day, lead a peaceful and happy life, it will always be season one (still and always the best) which defines this character most effectively.


The name's Colbourn, James - yeah, doesn't quite have the same ring to it.