10 Greatest Sequels In Star Trek

1. In A Mirror, Darkly

sequels star trek first contact picard worf hawk TNG next generation
CBS Media Ventures / Paramount Pictures

And then Star Trek: Enterprise did it again! 

In A Mirror, Darkly was an ingenious idea that could have easily floundered in the execution. It is a double sequel. The opening moments show what a sequel to First Contact would look like in the Mirror Universe, while it then becomes a sequel to The Original Series' episode The Tholian Web.

This two-parter is fun on every level. The actors get to play those dastardly versions of themselves, while there are secrets for the future revealed on certain computer consoles. One can easily imagine the writers' room exploding with joy when they stumbled on the idea of using the ill-fated USS Defiant (the OG) as their base of operations.

Bringing Matt Jefferies' original Constitution-class design into the 21st Century was a stroke of nostalgic joy for all those who saw this without it being spoiled. Clearly, the actors are having the time of their lives, cosplaying in Original gear.

In Enterprise fashion, it is also a prequel, though to the Mirror Universe arc in general. Every frame of the episode is set in that universe, with mirror versions of the characters, making it unique in Star Trek history. It was a sign of how strong the show had become, making its placement as one of the last stories in the final season a bittersweet event. 

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick